About NMIX 4110

New Media Productions

Within this course, I learned how to code HTML/CSS and Javascript for web development and design. First, as an introduction to the course, I learned how to code a one-paged website from scratch using basic HTML/CSS language. Then, I transitioned to work with Bootstrap templates, which challenged my skills and knowledge of HTML/CSS.

The Bootstrap assignment for this course demonstrated the evolution of bootstrap from a plain w3schools format to an edited template. The transformation was split into three sections, each evolving to a more upgraded version than the last. With this assignment, I was able to work with three different Bootstrap forms and edit the CSS and HTML of all. I learned how to specify the software to fit my own needs, and I learned how to add, subtract, and insert new code. The assignment allowed me to become flexible with the software and the different variants that they come in.

After working with Bootstrap templates, I began working with Wordpress to create three distinct websites. Different from Bootstrap, Wordpress enables one to pick and choose what code to include rather than type the code manually. The plug-ins added would advance the website and instantly new code would be added with just the click of a button. For instance, in creating the eCommerce website, I learned the mechanics behind inventory, and registration pertaining to customer satisfaction.

Finally, in this course, I worked a little with Javascript. Alongside HTML and CSS, the language of Javascript helped me to create interactive, dynamic, animate, and multimedia elements on the website. Similar to the other languages, Javascript helped me “bring the content to life” and thus creating my own machines and animations. Scroll below to check out the final products that resulted from my New Media Productions assignments.

My Works

NMIX 4110 Assignments

This section of my Portfolio reflects some of the work I have with Bootstrap and Wordpress. Click on the assignment to be redirected to the site.

Working with HTML/CSS

This is a portfolio created entirely from scratch. It demonstrates my intial skills and knowledge of the HTML/CSS language.

Working with Bootstrap

This project demonstrates the evolution of bootstrap from a plain w3schools format to an edited template. The transformation was split into three sections, each evolving to a more upgraded version than the last.

Working with Wordpress: eCommerce

This project allowed me to put together an eCommerce website for toys, and I included the use of Wordpress plug-ins to add to the website's authenticity.

Working with Wordpress: News Feed

This project also allowed me to practice web design specific to the entertainment industry. Using a Wordpress themed template, I created a "Fake News" website similar to a real news website.The website has a simple theme and style with diverse subject material, providing the illusion of report-based database.

Final Project: "Ink's Archive"

This final project allowed me to put all my knowlegde of Worpress together to create an online writing community. I explored the use of different plug-ins, widgets, and platforms to put together "Ink's Archive," a collection of history and other fictional things.
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